India is regarded as the world’s biggest democracy and second most populous country. It has posted a remarkable record of development socially, economically and politically since when she gained independence nearly seven decades ago. Though some aspects of India are world class, most of the issues affecting majority of the citizens are still indicators of a developing nation. Therefore, this article attempts to prove that India is a developing country and she needs to do much to be book a spot on the table of developed countries.
India’s high population is also an impediment to her development agenda. As the second most populous country in the world, she ought to institute a plan in place to contain and reduce her population since bigger population will pose challenges and slow her development. One child policy among other measures can be taken to control the ever-increasing population with experts predict will overtake China’s in five years at the time of this publication. However, this measure ought to be applied with caution since it might lead to human resource crisis and hence economic crisis in the future.

10 Things Which Would Make India A developed Nation

1.Increased penalty and immediate action for crime
2.Strict and Immediate action against corruption
3.Minimum Wages for every citizen of india
4.Start Green Revolution
5.Decentralization of power
6.People with civic sense
7.Treat and respect all human beings as one
8.Give Priority for Agricultre
9.Increased litracy rate
10.Pollution Control

1.Increased penalty and immediate action for crime

One of the most reliable crime prevention programs is the increased penalty. Increasing penalties or having
a more severe penalty, such as capital punishment can deter many criminals from committing a crime.
By providing such a form of punishment, helps to deter other potential criminals who would want to engage in similar behavior.
Capital punishment has been regulated in international Human Rights treaties as an aspect of the right to life, emphasis can be seen from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The ICCPR does not expressly abolish the use of the death penalty, albeit Article 6(1) palpably declares "Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law.

2.Strict and Immediate action against corruption

Corruption does not depend on whether its private or government, it completly depends on individual's
attitude. but by privatization we can reduce corruption up to some extend
If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel that there are three key societial members who can make a difference.They are the father, the mother and the teacher.

3.Minimum Wages for every citizen of india

Most countries have a nation-wide minimum wage that all workers must be paid. While India has no national minimum wage,minimum wages may be set by state or sector of industry.Wages vary from 160 rupees ($2.40) per day in Bihar to 423 rupees ($6.35) per day in Delhi based on Minimum Wages Act,1948.

What is the India Minimum Wage? India's Minimum Wage is the lowest amount a worker can be legally paid
for his work. Most countries have a nation-wide minimum wage that all workers must be paid. While India has no national minimum wage,minimum wages may be set by state or sector of industry. Wages vary from 160 rupees ($2.40) per day in Bihar to 423 rupees ($6.35) per day in Delhi based on Minimum Wages Act,1948. State governments also set a separate minimum wage for agricultural workers. India's minimum wage was last changed in 1-Jan-2015.

4.Start Green Revolution

Throughout the history of human life, many revolutions have come to change and improve our quality of
living. The dictionary meaning of green revolution is the use of methods and tools like fertilizers, pesticides,
high-yielding varieties of crops in developing countries to dramatically increase the production of crops like
rice, wheat, etc. Green revolution calls for the use of better management techniques as well.
When did the Green Revolution Start in India?
The Green revolution started in India started with its introduction in Punjab in 1966. It was part of a development program that was issued by the government of India along with international donor agencies.In industrialized countries, the green revolution means a steep rise in environmental concerns.
Beneficial Impact of Green Revolution in India
India’s economy and way of life changed in a big way due to the Green revolution. One can gauge the major changes from the points outlined below:

5.Decentralization of power

Devolution is the decentralization of power to lower regional and local levels of government. It is a response to the needs of planning, state modernization, democratization, and the management of national diversity. There are different models: administrative; functional; corporatist; and multifunctional and elected. Key issues are: the constitutional status of devolved governments; the division of competences; financial powers; intergovernmental relations; and the relationships with international and European politics. Devolved systems of government are in permanent evolution, with some moving towards federalism and others reverting to centralization.

6.People with civic sense

CIVIC sense means social ethics. It examples include keeping roads, streets and public places clean. It reflects the actual personality and shows the responsibility of any person. It encompasses unspoken norms of society that help it run smoothly without someone tripping on somebody else’s toes. Civic Sense is all about having consideration for a fellow human being. It means being polite, showing consideration to the elderly, women, children and disabled people, driving in one’s lane without honking, throwing one’s garbage in dustbins, and smoking only at designated places. The list can go on.

7.Treat and Respect all human beings as one

Respect for Human Beings Respect is an overarching consideration and represents recognition of each human being’s intrinsic value. As such, making opportunity for human beings to exercise autonomy and make their own decisions is paramount, as is a commitment to participant welfare over and above research goals.
Show respect even to people who dont deserve it.Respect is a reflection of your Character,not theirs

8.Give Priority for Agriculture

In the medium term, action to promote comprehensive and balanced agricultural development will require a focus on three priority areas: increasing food supply and reducing hunger; extending the area under sustainable land management and reliable water control systems; and improving rural infrastructure and market access.
Agriculture in the climate change action plan
The agricultre sectore offers great potential for synergies among the objectives of food security, poverty, reduction, adaptation and mitigation.
Adaptation is first priority, but many actions have mitigation benifits-Climate smart agricultre can help meet both adaptation and mitigation goals.
Priority area for investment
1. Improve agricultural productivity in poor rural communities
2. Develop and conserve natural resources
3. Expand rural infrastructure and market access
4. Strengthen capacity for knowledge generation and dissemination
5. Ensure access to food for the most needy

9.Increased litracy rate

From 1945 to 1990, the increase in literacy is minimal, from 16 to 28.3 per cent. After 1990 reforms from the government, there was a steady acceleration in literacy rate up to 79.5 per cent in 2019. But due to the lockdown in 2020, the literacy rate had a downfall of 2 per cent, which is 77.7 per cent.
Across the globe, the rate of literacy in youth has increased over two decades, from 83 percent to 91 percent, whereas the count of illiterate youth has declined from 170 million to 115 million.
Five reasons to increase litracy rate.
1.By being able to read and write, citizens can further develop their education.
2.Illiterate adults are more likely to fall victim to poor health and to have poor health care treatment later in life.
3.Literate adults are more capable of being able to take care of their children.
4.Literacy is one part of the Sustainable Development Goal number four under UNESCO’s plan to reduce global poverty.
5.It is very plausible to increase literacy rates and it is producing great results in other countries already.

10.Pollution Control

Pollution control is the process of reducing or eliminating the release of pollutants into the environment. It is regulated by various environmental agencies which establish pollutant discharge limits for air, water, and land.

How to control Pollution? (10 Ways)

(1) By means of equipments, apart from disposal of pollutants, recycling of waste could also be done.
(2) The generated pollutants from industries must be arrested before they are passed into the air.
(3) There are some industries which collect the dust and convert the same into saleable goods.
(4) The metal oxides and metals such as Cr, V, Cd, Cu, and Fe etc. can be easily absorbed by serpentine mineral or bark of some trees and thus effluent can be free from metallic species.
(5) For reducing the noise pollution, suggestions given above should be adopted at once.
(6) The Govt. should be persuaded to provide cleaner fuels for manufacture of smokeless coal briquettes by low temperature carbonization of poor quality lignites available locally.
(7) The Govt. should provide facilities to increase hydroelectric power wherever possible and bio gas production for rural areas to reduce pollution.
(8) The garbage in big cities should be treated with cobalt rays. This can reduce the pollution load to about 60% in cities.
(9) Govt. should encourage scientific societies and scientific newspapers to create awareness among people about pollution and environment.
(10) Organic waste solid can be composted. The poisonous waste should be buried in the well-protected areas.